Yes, Only a few more days left until the production portion of this film is finished. This has been far the toughest part of the process. And because university has started again, my classes have begun to become increasingly more demanding the longer it takes to finish production. Not only that, but the actors schedules too have begun to become even more complex since the original filming week. Several other small problems such as 'continuity errors', wardrobe and location permits. All are beginning to wear my poor brain out. I am both mentally and physically exhausted at this point. I will however, finish this film. Never give up! That's the number one role.
At this point in time, I would like to thank a few more people that helped me Tremendously during pre-production. If it wasn't for these people. I wouldn't have known where to begin.
Mark Lonsdale. Mark is by far one of the most awesome university instructors ever(I hope he's reading this.) If it wasn't for his initial assistance and encouragement; I never would have gained the courage to go out and make this film. I owe a GREAT DEAL to Mark Lonsdale, for every problem he helped me conquer. And I'm going to estimate that I must have asked Mark at least 400 questions in the last 4 months, Spanning from pre-production forms, location managing, recommended camera equipment and legal forms. He helped me gain the correct paper work too obtain the permit for Richmond Park. And he took time out of his day every time I came to him with a question. He had faith in my project. He had faith in me. He went out of his way to dig up information for me and continually encouraged me, giving me contacts, expanding my knowledge, and going far beyond that of just a University Instructor. How can I ever thank Mark for all that he' s done for me? I'm not exactly sure, but he is most certainly going on my film credits as Best Executive Producer ever. Thank you Mark.
Adam Kempton (Producer)This guy is amazing. The day he called me and told me that He enjoyed the script for this film, was the day that I gained the courage to stay behind this summer in London and begin a very long casting process. As I didn't want to bother Adam too much with my film, I still hope to catch his attention with my finished product. I am very nervous as he has given me so much praise. I hope I can live up to his expectations. Again, he is a key player in not only this film, but the establishment in my very career for the rest of my life. Thank you Adam.
Jane GaponJane is going on my list as most dedicated producer in our university. Hands down, I don't think I could have trusted anyone more than her with the break down of my script. I know deep down Jane wanted to do more for the production. Yet, because of things out of her control, she was required to leave London a few weeks. I want to thank you Jane for taking the time, organizing all my folders, my papers, printing things for me and getting me started. Let's be honest. If it wasn't for you, there wouldn't be a film. You are amazing, and I would love to work with you again, if someone dosen't recruit you before me. Thankyou Jane.
Tabitha BeckmanThank you Tabitha, You were there in the beginning of the beginning. The very first casting session. And one of the very first people I hired on my crew. You gave me a vast resource of knowledge of just about everything there is to know about casting and legal issues. You cleared away the shadows of my ignorance, and allowed the light of knowledge to shine through. You sat with me during each casting session, watched the tapes back with me(I have photographic evidence on this page), and helped me make decisions. You are an extraordinary, dedicated individual. And you are going to go very far. It was too bad that you wasn't able to be AD on my production. I do however would like to have you on future productions. I believe you would be absolutly amazing. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you Tabitha.