Friday, 24 October 2008

hiccups in post.

So it's been awhile since i've posted anything. I do have an excuse however. 
Things have been VERY BUSY! Post Production has begun, and my (team) of editors were working relentlessly on the the assembly edit... That is until the other day when we noticed that one of our scenes DOES NOT HAVE ANY SOUND!!! Which is a huge set back. As far as we can tell, something happened with the marantz (our recording device) and the sound file we recorded too became corrupted. What do we do now? (thats a good question). It just so happens that this scene was one of the major dialog scenes in the narrative. So at this point in time, we have to edit very very carefully, recreating the audio of the scene through folioing (recording the sounds separately). Most of our hope now lies within Christian and his ability to mix and master sound. I have much faith in Christian, but I don't want to burden him with too much. So Amanda and I are wracking our brains over the assembly edit. As most of you know, Amanda is my D.O.P. and one of my editors. (AN AMAZING EDITOR AT THAT!) Which brings me to my next bit of news.

The making of documentary is turning out fantastic. Amanda has been putting alot of time and effort into it while I try and come up with a plan of action for the film. Truth is, the making of documentary might be finished before the film! Don'tt get too excited though. Were not going to let anyone see the documentary until after the short film has premiered. You can look forward to downloading the making of documentary from both youtube and the intro productions website which can be viewed at

Stay tuned for more updates.

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